Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tea Party

In September we had a tea party. One of Mother's oldest friends was being buried that day. I was to go to the funeral and then three of her friends were coming back with me to have a tea party. At Mother's direction I got out the linen napkins, china and sliver. We carefully placed a bakery cake on her antique cake stand. She insisted every item be laid out perfectly. I left her with my sister-in-law to attend the funeral.

The funeral was difficult for me as I could not remember when I had not known Miss Nancy. I had grown up with her children. It was comforting to sit with the friends that had known mother and Miss Nancy.

I returned to find mother dressed and ready for company. She looked beautiful. Blond wig, bright caftan and even a touch of lipstick. She was so sad about Miss Nancy but so excited that her friends were coming. The tea party was a success. Mother was so alive that day.

We buried mother in October. I don't think those ladies have any idea what that day, that tea party meant to mother, to me and to my sisters. The strength those ladies had to have to bury one friend and then have a tea party with another. I am amazed and inspired by them all.

A month later those same wonderful ladies returned to be with us when we buried mother. There presence once again a great comfort to us all. I hope when I begin to bury my friends I have the same courage.

1 comment:

  1. I can just see your mother. A true Delta beauty, smiling and gracious, even though she must have been in pain. I hope you appreciate yourself for the love, care, and time you gave to your mother those last few months. I'm so glad you had special times like these.
