Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fizzies and Poppers

When we were growing up the neighborhood grocery store was common. They were in every neighborhood within walking distance of homes surrounding them. We all had charge accounts as this was in the day before credit cards and debit cards. It was convenient for mothers to send the older children to pick up daily used items; bread, milk, etc. Most had butchers and a family could buy meat as well. It was in the day long ago when children "ran" the neighborhoods and folks looked out for one another. Mothers thought nothing of seeing their children at breakfast, lunch and dinner only during summer vacation. The windows were open and the children usually just a holler away.

Two particular incidences come to mind.

One hot summer day, my sister and I, I am sure barefooted and dirty, walked to our neighborhood store. Sitting on the counter tempting us with much gravity was a box of poppers. Poppers were a type of firecracker that you threw on the ground to make a popping noise. I think the grocer probably intended to sell them individually. We charged the whole box to mother's house account. We happily left that store and planted ourselves on a curb and began to pop those poppers. Mother discovered us involved in this activity and was curious as to where the poppers had come from. When we told her we had charged them to her she made us "march" right back to that store and return the remaining poppers. I believe there was some counting and accounting to be done. I wonder how much mother's bill for poppers was that month.

In our day the car dealerships were positioned downtown as to be in the center of everything. My sister took me by the hand one day and we wandered downtown to the local dealership. She informed the owner that we were interested in purchasing a vehicle. While he entertained her in conversation an employee was busy calling our mother to come and fetch us. All involved found much humor in this little activity.

It makes me so sad that convenience stores and crime are now a part of the fabric of our lives. We sometimes don't know our neighbors much less the neighborhood in which we live. We would never consider letting our children or grandchildren "run" the streets. The children now have play dates and many scheduled activities. I am so glad that I grew up running the streets and knowing my neighborhood and community. That freedom allowed so much for free time and creativity. It made us friendlier and kinder. Even though there are many modern conveniences, I have grown accustomed to and could not live without, I miss those days when we were less harried and more relaxed with one another.

Antidote: Fizzies were a powdered item that when added to water made the water flavorful and fizzie. I am sure we charged some of those to mother's house account as well. Some brave children would put the fizzie directly in the mouth and always said that it was the best sensation. I am sure the drink was full of sugar, red dye #10 and chemicals but it was a true pleasure of my childhood.


  1. It is sad that the neighborhood corner stores are no longer around. We had one on every corner in Paragould too. There was one across from Mary Broadaway's office where the apartments are now, and one on the corner of Court and 12th. That was the one we walked to most to get our 10 cent bottles of Grape Soda. I DID put fizzies in my mouth more than in my water. You know there is a You Tube trick with putting Mentos in Coke bottles. It creates a type of explosion. Don't think I'll try that, but it sounds like something our children might have tried (or myself when I was younger, I must admit.)

  2. If I remember correctly, YOU were the sister who took Paula by the hand and walked downtown to the car dealership. Thinkin of that now, makes me cringe, yall were so little. I also remember you two painting the back wall of the small Pentacostal church catty-cotner from the house. Paula also used the same paint on the car. Thankfully, she was caught before doing too much damage. Those were the days.

  3. I have some poppers in my garage right now ...and every now and then, I take a few to the patio and throw them down; just because it is fun. And I always put the fizzies stright in my mouth. ABout that Mentos YouTube video, anyone have the link? ;)
