Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hissy Fit

I am feeling antsy today. So antsy I almost had a hissy fit this morning. I am intelligent enough to know that I am tired and overwhelmed. Usually I could call mother and she had the words to calm me down. Once she told me to go clean every toilet in my house and be greatful to have them to clean. She thought this act gave one time to think and accomplished something useful at the same time. I know there was wisdom in that but sometimes I just don't want to clean a toilet. I want to scream, holler and cry. Not very ladylike and unacceptable to most. Most of the women of mother's generation did not allow their husband's to do one thing. Every household task was women's work.

Even the women who worked outside the home were left to do the mundane household tasks at night or on the weekends. My mother-in-law, Kathryn, was like that. She was a house-a-fire, constantly moving; cooking, washing, cleaning and then working sometimes a ten hour day. She was intelligent, amazing and I had great respect for her. I have watched her mow the lawn, paint the exterior and interior of her house, catch and clean fish. She had a green thumb (I think Katy inherited that). She had the most beautiful flower garden. She could plant a bare stick and it would become the most beautiful plant. She was kind to everyone and I never remember her having one hissy fit. She also was a fine seamstress. She designed many a garment for me that I still admire and wear. I am worn out just typing the list of accomplishments that were hers. She wrote elegantly. I loved receiving bread and butter notes from her. She always had uplifting words of love.

Kathryn never forgot a birthday or and anniversary. The men she worked for at her work place and home were so lucky to have her. I wish I could be more like her. I am a woman of the strange generation. To be accomplished had not so much to do with home and family. Success was to be found outside the home. I am still working on that. Kathryn had that covered too. She was most efficient at her job and every person she worked with had great respect for her. Had she been of my generation or a man of her generation there is no telling what she would have accomplished and all without a hissy fit.

I am feeling calm now. I did not clean a toilet but the feeling is the same. Had my mother or Kathryn been living during the computer age I think they would have written their feelings on a blog and we would have all been better off for having read their wise words.

I miss these two wonderful women who loved me so much.

Antidote: Spell check keeps trying to correct hissy fit. If there is someone out there who doesn't know what a hissy fit is please ask.


  1. I know what one is and have had several. I, too, am of the strange generation--half in/half out of women's lib--and marvel at my mother and others who never complained about those mundane tasks or thought someone else should do them. Perhaps the doing of them prevented the hissy fits. In some way, a mindless task sets us free if we can become engrossed in the doing of it.

  2. Everyone reading THIS blog knows EXACTLY what a hissy fit is

  3. Katy is right, and if you don't know what a hissy fit is, you must not be from the south.

  4. I know what a hissy fit is; only, however, through observing others'.

  5. Observing whom? And, Missy, I've seen a couple of your hissys (sp).

  6. Oh, my goodness! All this from one who has said she is not quite a writer. Beauiful words. You described Aunt Kathryn so well, and I miss her so much. Her love and laughter got me through some pretty rough times in my life. I'm afraid the only trait I inherieted from her is my ability to dirty every pot, pan, and bowl in the kitchen when I do venture in there. She was a great cook, but she could sure make a mess! She did go like a "house-a-fire," and if you'll recall she set a few, too. Kathryn, Aunt Kathryn, Kakki, Kat loved her family. She especially loved you and her namesake, Katy.

  7. Oops, I almost missed the "hissy fit" point of it all. Yes, Aunt Kathryn WAS known to have a "hissy fit" in her time. One in particular had to do with going to pick those "damn peas,"

    I suppose I may have had a hissy fit or two during a mild bout of PMS. I have to admit I have had them as I probably scarred your daughter for life with ones she witnessed on Highland Street and at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL. Oh, a few others have come to mind, but I won't go there. Surely, our children know we had those "hissy fits" because we loved them. Those hissies surely gave them strength and character, if not something to laugh about from time to time.

  8. Lol ... I'm with Katy and Paula ... and know exactly what a hissy fit is!

  9. Bec, tell me about the pictures ...

  10. The first photo is of Kathryn Hoskins after she and Owen married and before children. They hunted often together. It is one of Richard's favorites. Katy now is the proud owner of the gun in the photo. The other photo is of Kathryn before marriage and children. I think she was about 15 or 16. She and her family came to Greene County from Mississippi.I think this was made before her move to Arkansas. She was a Junior in high school when they moved here just as I was a junior in high school when my family moved here.

  11. You know? The best things and the best people I know come from or through Mississippi.
