Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Day in the Rowe Family

Some years ago this became a big day in the Rowe family. James Hare Rowe Junior finally broke the spell of an all girl family. He was a chubby, happy baby and the delight of us all. He was all boy and when old enough took to running the streets of our southern town with his dog Skipper. He played youth baseball and was the only one on the team that would not wear shorts. Mother used to say she always knew when the boys would be home because Skipper wanted out to meet them. I know this is a difficult day for Jimmy. Mother always made a big deal out of each child's birthday. So Happy Birthday to Jimmy on our big day.

This is a photo of James Hare Rowe, Jr. in the lap of his grandfather James Edward Rowe.

Antidote: Mother always swore by a bar of dial soap to take grass stains out of athletic trousers. We tried it on Katy's soccer pants and it didn't work. Mother said like everything else the ingredient that had worked had been removed from the product.

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