Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My cousin Caroline has suggested a series of writings on "what would Sally say". Excellent suggestion. As anybody who knew Sally well would know she had a lot to say about every situation. At the moment sometimes I had no idea what her comment could possibly mean. A day would always come when her Sallyism made complete sense. I will have to consult Lindsey as she has become our family memory. Mother was that for so long. Thank goodness we have Lindsey.

Antidote: When Katy was young she and Sassy were having a conversation regarding higher education and its benefits. Mother informed Katy that one of the most valuable lessons learned at college (Mississippi State College for Women) was how to vacum. Katy was ofcourse fasinated by this notion. How ,Katy asked, should one vacum. Sassy demonstrated as she described "seven times one way and then seven times the other way. It is the only way to be through". Still makes me giggle.


  1. Lily Broadaway reminds me a little of mother in this photo.

  2. I tried doing this years ago when you told me about it. I would NEVER finish if I followed Sassy's rule. Be sure to tell us about the other "valuable lessons." Again, good job.

  3. LOL .. as an Ole Miss grad, I must interject ...Sally attended "The W" ... MUS ...Mississippi University for Women... they have recently changed the name ... I can't recall to what. Before Sally passed over, I shared with her the efforts (eventually successful) to change the name. We agreed it would never stick.

  4. I believe in mother's day it was Mississippi State College for Women. It is now something more generic that is acceptable to men and women. They wore uniforms back in that day.

  5. Mom must have been determined to make sure the younger generation of boys in our family, only two, Parker and Jackson Tyler, were taught the seven by seven ways of vacuuming. After returning home from a visit to Mom and Dad's, I was doing the usual cleaning and as I began to vacuum, Ty informed me I was not doing it right! Sassy says "seven times one way and seven time the other way." As surprised as I was to hear this come from a 10 year old, I asked him to show me! Way to go Mom!!!
