Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paula, One Beautiful Smile

My sister, Paula, has a  birthday  March 1.  It is the most difficult birthday to remember because February is so short and it sneaks up on me. I am always ashamed that I can't remember until I look at a calendar and then it might be the 27th or so of February. I am  ashamed because  she has always had the most beautiful smile and the most unforgettable laugh and I should remember to thank her for sharing that especially on her birthday.  She is just a toddler in the first photo. We spent many happy days together growing up in a large and loud family.  I remember when she was about this age and we were playing outside (I am sure we were barefoot).  Somehow Paula met with a nest of hornets and they proceeded to give chase.  We chased Paula as the hornets chased her and screamed our lungs out for help.  By the time help arrived she had hornet stings on her head and hand.  What a sight that must have been and what pain she must have suffered.

You can see for yourself how beautiful she and her smile were.  This was taken before my wedding.  She and Lindsey served as bridesmaids on one of the hottest days in June.  The color yellow suited both she and Lindsey so well.In this next photo she is pictured at Lindsey's wedding.  She is so tiny and cute.  Once again she is wearing that incredible smile.

This is a photo of Paula, Mawmaw(our grandmother), Sally(our mother), and Sarah (her daughter).  Four generations of women.  Once again she is wearing that beautiful smile.All three girls are  pictured here with our mother and grandparents.  Must have been the 80's.  What dreadful clothes, shoulder pads and all.  Paula just radiates.  I am sure someone had said something funny.  Maybe Paula. 

Paula and I have not had the opportunity to live in the same community since 1972.  We keep up through visits and the phone and now the internet.  I miss having her beautiful smile and personality with me. 

I write this today as I am thinking about March 1.  I know she will be sharing that beautiful smile with someone.  I hope it will be me. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Rebecca. It is going to be week after next when I come up there. I don't have an exact date yet, but I'm sure we will talk before my trip.
