Monday, February 1, 2010


Couple: to connect for consideration together; to join for combined effect; to fasten together; to bring into such close proximity as to permit mutual influence; to join in marriage.

Mutual influence. I never thought about couples in this way. Sometimes I think the influence is not so mutual but is actually more one sided. This is a photo of Richard's parents. It is a photo of Kathryn and Owen before marriage. I think Owen was the stronger influence. Kathryn learned to love to shoot a gun, bait a hook, and participate in anything that would take her outdoors and eventually connect her to her three boys. She was unafraid of critters and creatures. One time, after Richard and I were married and trying to grow something or anything in our first yard, I ventured into the woods with Kathryn to look for wild fern to transplant. I asked , "what shall we do if we see a snake?" I am terrified of a snake or anything resembling a snake. She said we would run. Of course we saw a rather large snake and I ran for the truck. I turned to see her beating that snake with a stick. She was remorseful and did not want me to tell Richard she had killed that snake because it was one of the good ones.

To join for combined effect. Sally and Jimmy were like that. They were especially like that when they danced. Watching them dance together was a magical experience. They danced with fire in their eyes and smiles on their faces. I don't think they knew another soul was witness to their dancing. I think they were happiest when they danced together. Their bodies moved so well together. Their steps never looked old fashioned or out of style. Their moves seem to fit whatever genre of music was faddish at the time. I have seen them look at each other just as they are in the photo a thousand times. I can't remember when they stopped dancing together. The last time I remember them dancing was twenty years ago one New Year's Eve. Mom would have been about my age. She fell that night on the dance floor and broke her arm. She had a fit at the hospital because they wanted to cut her new sweater in order to get to that arm. I know dad thinks about those dances with mom. I am sorry that style of dancing went out of fashion. I would love to see that combined effect one more time.

To connect for consideration together. Richard and I are so young in this photo. He was my best friend. An older guy that gave me advice.It is so ironic that one piece of advice was do not get married to anyone until you finish college. I thought he was quite handsome and so smart. This photo was taken the day he left for California to go to Coast Guard boot camp. In that day we still wrote letters. I have often thought that Richard and I fell in love compliments of the US Postal service. I still have poetry I wrote to him, letters he wrote to me. Photos back and forth as if we thought the change in six months would be too drastic. He finished boot camp. I finished high school. He was to be sent to Corpus Christi, TX. I have always thought he was just plain lonely in Texas. I can't even remember how marriage came up. The wedding. The hottest day on record in June ever. The trip to Corpus. We both did a lot of growing up. Especially me. I had never lived away from my family. I started college and was married all in the same year. We grew up together. I think this makes each more considerate. Richard had given me a copy of "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran. Gibran describes marriage as two trees with joined roots but that shade one another and allow growth. I think our marriage has been like that. We are connected for consideration together.


  1. This is really beautiful, Rebecca, and gives one so much to consider.

  2. Rebecca, such lovely words describing loving couples. So considerate and deliberate.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Richard advised you not to marry until you finished college. MawMaw (Claudia Proctor)told me, more than once, not to marry until I found a man I "could not live without". Maybe I took that admonition too literally

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Do not feel compelled to remove your posts as I enjoy reading them and they give me inspiration for my next post. I think not living without comes later. After the passion of youth. I can't imagine life without Richard.

  7. Not sure why I removed the posts ...might have been playing with posting pictures from comments

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  9. OK, deleted that one because I was trying out a link (which didn't work)

  10. So much fun re-reading this. The last time I remember watching Sally and Jimmy damcing together was at a party in Paragould. An outdoor fall party. Little Jimmy and Teresa's friends, I believe; might have been a political function, round about. But we were all there. Jackson played ....every instrument at one point or another, performed some of his new music; all rousing. And Big Jim and Sassy, a little slower, perhaps, took to the dusty dance floor, locked together in that same gaze.

    And I remember the New Year's Eve party. What thoughtless bride used rice at her wedding early that day...ninny! I have a photograph of Sally and I (and actually one of my dogs is on the floor), shortly after...we all three have very colorful casts; Sassy's arm, the dog and I lower extremities. I miss Sally so much, there jusr aren't words.
