Wednesday, October 27, 2010

As We Lay Sleeping

Many nights have I spent in hospital rooms. I have kept vigil with aunts, mother, mother-in-law, father-in- law and friend. The medical staff that work the night shift at hospitals share a camaraderie with each other and the night sitters. Folks, all of us just trying to make it through one more night. The night staff readily shares their coffee and conversation. I am sure they are less interrupted by tests, food delivery, visitors,etc. I have great admiration for hospital staff. They allow us to maintain a dignified relationship with our loved ones. So as we lay sleeping, let us not forget those angels of the night.

Special thanks, thoughts and prayers for the staff on 2200 at St Bernards in Jonesboro, AR as this night and their shift comes to an end.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Just rereading some of your posts. Rebecca, you are SO gifted in your writing, and there is beauty in your simplicity of thought. The little girl named Rebecca Rowe comes out. Thank you my friend.
